Reyna Padilla




Country: Peru

Farmer: Reyna Padilla

Region: El Progreso, La Coipa

Mill/Washing Station: Origin Coffee Lab, Jaén

Varietals: Caturra, Pache

Elevation: 1900 m

Tasting Notes: golden raisins, chocolate, plum


Reyna is the youngest sibling of the Padilla family whose coffee we buy as part of a project with Drumroaster Coffee in Cobble Hill, BC. Six years ago, the Padillas invested in individual fermentation tanks and raised, covered, drying beds on shade cloth. Each year the cups show improvement. The potential for their coffees is steadily being realized, cup scores are up, so the greater volume of coffees they produce now fetch a premium and guarantee market access.   La Coipa is a perfect location for growing beautiful coffees,  bringing deserved attention to the stellar coffees of San Ignacio, Cajamarca.  This year's lot  is small so it won't be around long. Subtle, balanced acidity and clean finish.